Friday, January 11, 2008


How do you love a G/god ?


Chad said...

Nicole, I certainly don't have the definitive answer to this question, but hated seeing such an important question sit around for so long without some kind of response. So, I figured my feeble attempt at an answer is better than none at all.
I think a big part of loving God is understanding His love for us. If my understanding of the Bible is accurate, God played an active role in my creation, and is proud of the work that He did. So, if I can peel back the stuff that's been added to me by my environment, I will find an individual built and wired by God.
I think part of loving God is figuring out who and what we were made to be. Which is not to be confused with trying to become who we think we're supposed to be. I spent years trying to be a pastor because I thought that's what I was supposed to be. Meanwhile, I was dying inside because I wasn't doing what I was designed to do.
Last week, I was glueing PVC pipes together in a ditch full of water and thinking about how happy I was. I felt like I was a whole lot closer to doing what God designed me for than when I was sitting in a church office. I feel closer/more loving toward God when I'm functioning naturally out of who I am, rather than trying to manufacture what I ought to be.
Anyways, that's just one man's ramblings. Hopefully, others will chime in on the subject.

Spiritbear said...

So how is this related to the old Emergent Valley group on Tom's Blog. He said we have moved

Are you guys now Pagans or what?

Tom said...

If you want some history on my old blog and group I tried to start up you can take a look at this blog.
