Thursday, May 21, 2009


I read this on another blog that I read in the comments section. It was written by a fellow named Warren.

"once we have figured out that (some kind of) God must exist, and put aside what C. S. Lewis called "boys' philosophies" (materialism, atheism, etc), then we are led to the next stage of enquiry: namely, has this God revealed himself to us? Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism all claim divine revelation (I would not include Buddhism on this list) - are any of them right? All of them? Some of them? None of them? And how would we decide that a genuine divine revelation has occurred? What criteria could we possibly use for that?"

I found this really fascinating because it puts into words what it is that I have been thinking and what I find myself wrestling with on a regular basis. Many philosophers and thinkers feel that without Divine inspiration philosophy would have ground to a halt rather then move forward into Theology.

So for me this is the interesting point. While the majority of Christians will argue that only their God exists. The Jews, Muslims, and Hindus will argue the exact same thing. In the quote above the author does not put Buddhism on this list. I am not so sure I would think that the original Buddha may himself have experienced Divine revelation but chose to (freely chose) express that in a different way then the other religions.

So, the first question, if all of these separate religions claim Divine inspiration then which one is right? The traditional Christian will argue that this is a slippery slope to begin with. If I even acknowledge the possible origins of these other religions to have begun with Divine inspiration then I have begun to doubt the very origins of the Christian faith. But, I would argue that if I do not ask these questions I am not being honest with myself and am not using the brain that God gave me.

If I claim that God is not powerful or big enough to survive my questions then why believe in him in the first place. In fact, I would argue that this need to think of God as exclusive to my particular place of origin is a result of us being human. Perhaps, God knows this and chose to show himself in such a way that his message would be the most effective for the differing peoples that he was revealing himself to.

The, other question, how could I decide that a genuine revelation had occurred? That to me is the key, because this is exactly what people are saying and doing when they declare other religions off limits. To me, when one looks back at the origins of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity it is obvious that they are coming out of the same beginnings. The changes begin with the birth of Jesus and when man got involved. But, despite my feelings about the origins of these religions. I am hesitant to declare these three the ones and only. The biggest reason being that since I am not Divine (in any way) how in the world am I qualified to make this claim.

I would further argue that it would go against the teachings of God to automatically declare these other religions worthless. I think I need to worry more about my faith and how I live my personal life when it comes to honoring others and just showing them love. It will not be up to me to decide who is right or wrong. And, if I insist on behaving like I it is up to me then I may be in for a real surprise. But, I don't know and for me that is the most freeing thing. I do not know and I am not supposed to know.

It is freeing for me to separate my faith from my origins, separate it from my politics, and finally separate it from my failings as a human and to believe that God is big enough to handle all of that.


Anonymous said...

Interesting ideas here.

If the Christian and the Muslim and the Hindu are all right or correct about God, then actually all are wrong.


Unknown said...

"...if all of these separate religions claim Divine inspiration then which one is right?"

This doesn't seem to me like the appropriate question, as it assumes an either/or, all or nothing answer and provides for no middle ground. It's sort of forcing me to choose one in exclusion to the others, when I think in reality each of the three choices you mentioned have their strengths and weaknesses. Even assuming a divine revelation, the moment the revealed has left the divine and made contact with a finite human, it's already gotten muddled by our own limitations.

Anonymous said...

What are you basing your facts on?

Unknown said...

I am not basing my facts on anything. I do think I would even say that I am worried about facts or no facts. I am merely repeating a theory that I heard and found interesting. I wonder if there had not been divine inspiration what the world would be like today.

Anonymous said...


Do you even believe in a higher being? A prime mover?

I am really confused by your thoughts here. Sorry. Perhaps I am not as smart as you are.

Unknown said...

Ahh did you read my blog? The whole point of it is that I believe/think that without Divine Inspiration the world would not be what it is today.

I thought that was pretty clear. I think a higher being. a prime mover, God inspired the early philosophers and thinkers and inventors. If this had not happened I do not think the world would be the world that we live in today.

I thought that was pretty obvious. I was in no way saying that there was no God.